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  Monika Suchocka
Monika Suchocka
The 23-year-old from Poland has been working as a trainee accountant in West Kensington. She shares a flat in Archway, north London, with her friend Kim Philip, who has been searching for her. She rang her company at 8.40am to say she was running late and would be taking a bus. No one has heard from her since.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY Anonymous on Jul 28, 2005
  Bylas taka mloda i mialas cale zycie przed soba i nie moge zrozumiec, czemu ktos Ci je odebral...

Nigdy Cie nie znalam ale zawsze bede o Tobie pamietac.

Spoczywaj w pokoju!


Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY Anonymous on Jul 26, 2005
  Monika - I never knew you but so much hoped You will be found alive and well. I have you Friends and Family in my thoughts and prayers.

Another Pole in London.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY Cemalettin on Jul 22, 2005
  Glebokie wyrazy wspolczucia dla Rodzicow calej rodziny Moniki jak rowniez przyjaciol Wieczny odpoczynek daj Jej Panie a swiatlo wiekujste niechaj jej swieci na wieki wiekow amen Odpoczuwaj w pokoju wiecznym !

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY walker5 on Jul 22, 2005
  Thinking of you and your family always.

Such a waste of a sweet life.

May you rest in peace.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY Anonymous on Jul 19, 2005
  rest in peace

Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY Anonymous on Jul 19, 2005
  kondolencje dla Rodziny- niech Wam Bog da sily do przejscia przez te trudne chwile- rodaczka z New Jersey, Agnieszka K.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY Anonymous on Jul 19, 2005
  Jestem Polką i jest mi bardzo przykro , że Monia nie żyje... Najgłębsze wyrazy współczucia dla rodziców i braci...

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Monika Suchocka
BY damthem on Jul 18, 2005
  America fells your pain,may God be with you all,I am so sorry for your loss.

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