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Nancy, my beloved mother     Next 
  Nancy, my beloved mother
Yesterday was the 11th anniversary of my mother's death. (May she rest in eternal peace.) She passed away in my arms on my 27th birthday and I miss her ever so much. For those who are blessed to still have their mother with them, I pray they never take one single moment with her for granted.

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Tribute Is Dedicated To: Nancy, my beloved mother
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Prayers & Condolences For:
Nancy, my beloved mother
BY John on Sep 10, 2008
  Just thinking of your mother, she must have been a lot like you anythimg like you so I KNOW she's an angel in heaven! God Bless You GinGin!

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Nancy, my beloved mother
BY abotnevi on Jun 20, 2005
  Nancy, your daughter is a living testiment to your love. God Bless your family


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Nancy, my beloved mother
BY raimond on Jun 18, 2005
  what a lovely thing to say truly a special person god bless you nancy x

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