Name: Army Staff Sgt. Paul M. Latourney,
Age: 28
From: Roselle, Ill
Assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas
Incident: Army Staff Sgt. Paul M. Latourney, died March 2 in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle while on combat patrol. Also killed was Spc. Luis O. Rodriguez-Contrera.
Died: March 02, 2007
Prayers & Condolences For: Paul M Latourney BY Anonymous on Jul 16, 2007
Die Sonne soll nicht mehr dein Licht sein am Tage,und der Glanz des Mondes soll dir nicht mehr leuchten,
sondern der Herr wird dein ewiges Licht und dein Gott wird dein Glanz sein.Nicht mehr untergehen wird deine Sonne,
noch wird dein Mond abnehmen;denn der Herr wird dir zum ewigen Licht sein.
Und die Tage deiner Trauer werden ein Ende haben.The sun will not be your light by day,
and the moon will no longer be bright for you by night:
but the Lord will be to you an eternal light,
and your God your gloryYour sun will never again go down,
or your moon keep back her light:
for the Lord will be your eternal light,
and the days of your sorrow will be ended.Isaiah 60, 19/20******************** ******************Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt,kann man nicht durch den Tod verlieren.What is deep in your heart,
you can not loose through death.Joh. Wolfgang v. Goethe******************* *******************Das einzig Wichtige im Leben sind die Spuren von Liebe, die wir hinterlassen, wenn wir weggehen.Diese Spuren hast du hinterlassen...
Aber da du im Gedächtnis deiner Lieben lebst, bist Du nicht tot, sondern nur fern; tot ist nur, wer vergessen wird.Für mich warst du leider auch vorher oft fern, daher ist es schwer den unterschied zu verstehen.Ich bete für deine Familie und Deinen Sohn!
Prayers & Condolences For: Paul M Latourney BY Anonymous on May 28, 2007
I worked with Paul at Tripar International in Roselle. He always spoke of how much he wanted to travel. I smiled when I read that he loved Star Wars, cause it reminded me of the time when we traded Super Nintendo games. I had given him Stars Wars: Empire Strikes Back. It touched my heart to hear all the great things that people have said of him. We have lost a great young man. We can only be glad to know that he was doing something he loved.
Prayers & Condolences For: Paul M Latourney BY Anonymous on Apr 12, 2007
Rest in peace... You fought for what was right, you will not die in vain, nor will any of the brave soldiers fighting for freedom from terror.
Prayers & Condolences For: Paul M Latourney BY DONNYDO on Apr 10, 2007
Dear Lord hear my prayer.Please embrace with all Your love and mercy the soul of this brave soldier and comfort him with Your Divine Presence.Bless his heart and keep his family in Your Hands, Guard them and comfort them.
Prayers & Condolences For: Paul M Latourney BY Anonymous on Apr 01, 2007
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints in our hearts and we are never ever the same. You were one of those people.
Prayers & Condolences For: Paul M Latourney BY Anonymous on Mar 29, 2007
I love you PM..You were the best brother I could have ever asked for. I miss you. AT