Phil worked for me when he volunteered to deploy to Iraq with the Joint Contracting Command. He was a great officer, a great friend and an incredible husband/father. He was just a couple of days away from returning from his deployment. I received an email from him on 5 April requesting to stay a bit longer so he could finish the job started. I had not yet responded to his email when I was notified by our Commanding Office on Easter morning that Phil had been killed. Miss you Phil!
It's been 20 years since your passing... However, I never forgotten the day you told me I am married, I am going to have a baby, and day your son was born... You touched some many lives in different ways in your brief time on this earth in ways others can't imagine... Some people can be given a life time on this earth and accomplish nothing, and there are some people who are given a short time and accomplish so much... You Mr. Flores-Mejia aka Ricky was that person and soldier who accomplish so much in your shoft tme... As I see the days pass by, and the war seems to be a distant memory, your memory is still alive in my life, and still on this and like other days with my grandchildren I sit back like we did many times and listen to those West Coast oldies... "Never Forgotten"
She was my 3rd and 5th grade teacher. Today I'm 32 and still think about her. She was the best teacher ever. From her hair children stories to her bubbly happiness and kindness she spread. I'll never forget her. She was the teacher who had lunch with the kids in her classroom so everyone had someone to be with. She made my school experience amazing. I will never forget her.. I love you Mrs. Cobb.Sincerely,
SPC Polley died almost two decades ago so I don't know if this message will be seen. In honor of Memorial Day, my agency hands out cards with names of those who have fallen. This year, 2023, I received the card for SPC Polley and was inspired to look up more on him. I am thankful for his service and sacrifice. My condolences to his family. He is not forgotten.
Love you and miss you always. Since you been gone it has been hard for everyone. I know you loved what you did, and I want to thank you for our freedom. If I can have you back home and safe living your life man everything would be different. No matter how much money they would offer me I would rather have you alive and home. Money comes and go so it's not worth losing you.
hello my name is Jesus Vega I would like to give my condolences to Christopher's family and friends, I served with him in Iraq and slept in the same quarters. I have many fond memories of him. I have never forgotten his sacrifice. I would like to share that the greatest memory I had of Chris is that he would speak highly of his mom and how much she meant to him. Chris was a strong minded person and looked out for other. He was kind and friendly the he made friends with everyone. Chris was truly a great man!I sincerely apologize for not sharing sooner. but would like to express that Chris's memory will never be forgotten! though he is not with us he will always be in spirit!If this message gets to Christopher's mother I she could know she raised a great man and for that I thank you.
thank you for being in our lives, you i got to see you right before you left and i feel so blessed for tour ultimate sacrifice brother. Rest in paradise
I knew James David Parker as "Dave" when he lived in Solon Ohio. We met when I moved into town from out of state. He and his group of friends were a year or two older than me. Dave was a bright beacon of hope and joy to me. I was an unsure young man in a strange place. Dave introduced me to many people and ensured his friends always saved me a seat in the lunchroom. I have fond memories of him and his friends during that time. I doubt so many people would have been as wonderful toward me without Dave's incredible kindness.
I've never forgotten his kindness. I hope to be able to pay it forward someday.
Condolences to the family. Freedom is not free, it cost this man's life. Thank you is not enough. Grieving is not enough for your loss though it is all we have, the Sandoval Family
there is not one day that goes by where i don't think about you. Its been 10 years now but i know you are up there looking down on us.One day we will see us again. I miss you my mini usher.
there is not one day that goes by where i don't think about you. Its been 10 years now but i know you are up there looking down on us.One day we will see us again. I miss you my mini usher.
This kevin Green again still miss you man, i miss the trouble we caised and fun we made it. To skate with you one more day. Miss you always and forever. Rip brother you did the best anyone would ask for.
Torey's family. We all lost a good young man that day but he was fighting for a better life for so many who will never know his service unless we tell it. I miss his smiling face and quick Witt. I will never forget him and how much I thought if him. I truly enjoyed watching him grow up with Dusty and totally enjoyed watching them kicking butt on the football field. I miss him very much till this day..........Dusty Sr
I miss you, man. You were a good friend, a good man, and you deserved more. Every year they honor JPB in Flour Bluff or they toast his name, but for me it was when we lost you that the Iraq war hit home. I'm sad not only because you were lost while overseas fighting for us- but because so many of our hometown seem so willing to forget you. I don't- and I will never get that friendly swim-team goofball that accepted each of his friends, flaws and all, and always had time to laugh with them.
You will never be forgotten, Sgt Marquis Porter, one of my best NCO's and best Radio Operators. Semper Fidelis Guard the Gates of Heaven and Look out for our Marines down here still in harms way.
I remember when you and your brother would cross the road to fish in the pond, seems like yesterday. It has been a while now since your passing. I did not know you, but I have come to be good friends with your Dad. He misses you each and every day Joel, but you know that.Let your Dad know how the fishing is in Heaven.Your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
My sincere condolences to all those family, friends and service members who lost John from their lives. Although I did not personally know him, I found his story on Military Times Fallen Heros when searching for fallen soldiers from my hometown to honor this Memorial Day. I was moved by John's story, so I as I participate at a Carry The Load walk in Jacksonville, FL I will carry John's picture and his story with me.
His memory lives on, touching strangers miles away! If you have any additional pictures or stories of John's life you'd like me to include in my back pack that day, please send to (Email Link).
This man is my son he is a great example of how humans should be. I am very proud of how he cared for others in life. Now he is with the FATHER AMEN. Now no one cant ever hurt him again he is safe forever in his arms. Amen
My family has enjoyed the Gist family in the home school arena here in Kansas City for a couple of years now.In searching for answers, my family discovered what happened to Mr. Gist. We just could not bring that question up, so we looked online and found a strong, handsome Steel Tiger was brought down at a very young age.
It's gut wrenching, so very sad, but we hold to the fact that Jesus is supreme in all he allows. Mr. Gist is in Christ's eternal rest - no tears, no illness, no heartache.... he has sweet rest.Let's get ready to leave this planet; Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, none come to the Father except through Christ. I want to meet Milton Gist in heaven, and introduce him to my loved ones there. Let's don't let them down, as they are most likely praying and hoping for us along side Christ every single day. Christ is active and the Saints also. I love this man, his family - even w/o knowing them as well as many of you do.God bless your efforts to fight the good fight. Our faith in Christ is the Power that overcomes the world. Love, Hugs, Prayers.KDG and WEG and RCG
Had a great time at Riley training up for the MiTT. That was an extremely cold crew serve weapons range. But we made through it. You are a great American my friend. You are so missed!
to harry ramos and his familybrad millar is sorry about harry ramoscan brad millar please get 3 photos of harry ramos1 large photo 1 medium photo and 1 small photoplease write back to brad millarpo box 76 vernon ont.koa-3jo canadayour freind brad millar
Although a resident of Tallahassee, I just read tonight of your loss and wish to express my deep sorrow for your loss. My dad was a Marine and I appreciate the love of country and passion for freedom that flows in those who choose to serve. The cost is immeasurable when you lose one so young and full of promise.
Thank you all for your unselfish service to our country. I believe God is holding you all in the palm of his hand. Words can not express the gratitude for all you have sacrificed. Our prayers will continually go out to those loved ones left behind. You will not be forgotten. May the peace that passed all understanding through Jesus Christ our Savior be with all those affected.
I worked with Jane in Austin, Texas and remember her grace and sunny disposition today, and every day. What a blessing to have spent a small amount of time with this beautiful woman. -amy
Brother.... I miss you. You and your family are and will remain in my prayers.. I feel guilty that I have not mustered up the guts to visit you, but I will when the time is right. I will always remember you as the great friend you were to me, and I learned a lot from you.. the good times will always be remembered and held as some of the most treasured memories I will ever make. Remember, when I meet you up there you still owe me that "near beer" you promised me for my birthday, and I'm holding you to it. Much love!"Crazy B"
Yesterday while visiting ground zero, I saw a grown man crying at the site of her name. Obviously she was very loved and missed, and a wonderful person.
I rode to DC on 9/11/14 in his memory, to honor his service & sacrifice. His name was on my helmet. With Much Love, Honor & Respect. MLHR! Diane L. Grunthaner
Sgt. Roy died in Nimroz province in southwestern Afghanistan. Nimroz is an area of intense unrest where, in April, suicide bombers tried to kill an Afghan minister and killed three others instead. Nimroz province in southwestern Afghanistan.Fighting has been heavy there since last year and, according the news reports, the Marines have been in it helmet high.Sgt. Roy's career may have been cut short but the announcement of his death tells us that career had merit and moments of valor. With nearly eight years in, 25-year-old Sgt. Roy joined the Marines young - real youngI thank Sgt. Roy for his service and his sacrifice. My condolences to his family on their loss. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife and children.
Rest in peace joyce I miss you so much I always think of when I was pregnant and you always gave me food to take home so I wouldn't have to cook and we jokes laughed argued about food ! It was so funny and you were a great woman love tina cheeks berry Brooklyn
This morning I donated blood for 9/11, they handed me a card with Digna's name on it. Although I never knew her I was 8 at the time I am very sorry for her families lost. So although I never knew her I will continue to wear her memorial name tag today in memory of a life taken too soon. May you rest in peace Digna Alexander Costanza
Even though we never met, I think of you often. I ordered a Tribute Bracelet, and the name on it was yours. I wore it until it broke, but I keep it in your memory. From what I have researched and read, you were a wonderful man with a wonderful family and a wonderful life. I'm sure you are watching over your family and friends from Heaven's windows. Until we meet in person,Rhonda L Barnett, Desloge, MO
Barry, may Almighty God bless you and keep you. And to all the rest of the people who died along with you may their souls rest in peace. Miss you, Barry, but then again I think I always will. RIP my dear friend
I went to high school with Jeff and he was one of the nicest people I have ever known. Soft spoken and sincere he was always proud to wear the latest, and coolest, shoes to school along with the big, warm smile that was always on his face. His wife, and family, are in my thoughts often as I cannot imagine the pain of losing one so special. On the 13th year of their life without him, I know that he is watching down on them, smiling, and wearing the best shoes that Heaven has ever seen. Rest well my friend. Linda
My Sweet Angel,Thirteen years without your arms around me has felt like an eternity. I miss you so very much and will love your foreverMY heart to only yours foreverYour wife Barbara
Tara's story has touched my heart. I have been praying the rosary for her, all the victims of 9/11, and their families since this tragedy happened. I am so sorry for your loss. I admire the devotion of Tara's Dad to his family and his faith. She seems like she was such a cheerful, wonderful young lady with a great sense of humor who loved life and her family. From what I've read about Mr. Shea, my guess is Tara got that from her parents. Hope her sweet Dad and family is doing well. She and her family remain in my prayers.May God Bless you all.prayrosary4life@aol.c omMaria In Mass
My Angel,Today is your Birthday and I need to tell you that my love for you is stronger than ever and will forever be.I love you so much and miss you more than I ever haveMy heart to only yours foreverYour wife Barbara
My birthday is September 10th and I will never ever forget my birhday 2001. It was my last joyous birthday. Every time September 10 rolls around I think about all those that lost lives in WTC that very next day on September 11, 2001. Charlie was a business associate and I thought he and his wife, Barbara were awesome. You could see the love between them and how they made each other laugh. God Bless the family of Charlie Mauro and I pray for Barbara and all the families of victims lost that day.
so sorry about this us canadians feel.for.yu let this not happen again..and feel.its coming a girl.i.know in canada was talking to husband in trade centre..concrete fell line dead he died so sorry my husband died brain cancer from monsanto chemical i know how it feels to lose loved one stay strong