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  Benedetta Ciaccia
Benedetta Ciaccia arrived at Liverpool Street Station on Thursday morning but never made it to work.

She was heading towards Embankment and is believed to have been on the underground heading towards Aldgate.

Have you seen Benedetta Ciaccia or do you know where she is? Contact the casualty hotline 0870 156 6344.

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36 Vigil Post For Benedetta Ciaccia (2 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 27, 2008
  I have recently graduated from the same college Birkbeck, and I know that waiting for the final year results is extremely exciting and stressful at the same time. It is such a shame that Benedetta never got hers. It could be any of us - Birkbeck students and we all should be aware of it. Rest in peace Benedetta, I will definitely think about you when receiving diploma.

Artur (Birkbeck College student)

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 07, 2006
  Dear Benny

it's a year since you left, but you are still so alive in my heart... you were such a good friend:capable of listening without judging and making feel people good...

Hope I was able to find the right words to alliviate the pains of those who loved you...Fiaz, your family.. i can just say I keep thinking of all of you and i wish God gives you the strenght to carry on.

Ciao Benedetta!!


Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on May 11, 2006
  *hugs* to you Benny


Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Mar 03, 2006

Benny its been nearly 8 months now since you were taken away from us all. I still have thought about you everyday but the days seem a brighter now and life is starting to look positive again. I have felt you around me everyday and have noticed the little signs you have given me. I will always be here for you and your family. What happened to you was really unfair but you are are in a much better place now. Its us here who have to suffer through this but we will all be strong as long as you keep us smiling and give us the extra strength we need when we feel weak.

Never forgotten you my darling and never will. I know we will see each other again one day...Miss you so much. I have made a song for you and will put it on the Internet soon.

Love and miss you so much

Your "Little Teddy Bear" Raj

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 26, 2005
  Dear Benedetta

Miss you so much. Miss your laugh,your radiant personalitty. Not ever seeing you again is so painful daily. You were like a daughter to me. There has not been a moment since the day you have passed away that I have not remembered you. For the rest of my life you will always be in my heart and mind. rest in peace. Balbir

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 26, 2005
  Dear Benedetta

Miss you so much. Miss your laugh,your radiant personalitty. Not ever seeing you again is so painful daily. You were like a daughter to me. There has not been a moment since the day you have passed away that I have not remembered you. For the rest of my life you will always be in my heart and mind. rest in peace. Balbir

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 23, 2005
  Sono molto addolorata per quello che è capitato a quella povera ragazza,e mi piacerebbe molto poter contattare il suo fidanzato anche solo via mail.Qualcuno potrebbe indicarmi come?Giuliana

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 23, 2005
  La mia e-mail è (Email Link)

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY troyjan on Aug 18, 2005
  Una preghiera per un angelo speciale che continuerà a vivere nell' amore che i nostri cuori sono capaci di dare e che è più forte di ogni male!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 17, 2005
  From an Italian girl in Italy.

A big hug

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 15, 2005
  Benny everyday I have been thinking of you from the moment I wake up and you are the last thing I think of when I sleep. Apart from saying good morning to you when I open my eyes in the morning (I know you are with us all watching over us), I think about my dreams. Recently you have been in my dreams a lot and I keep a diary now of every little dream I have of us together. I really miss you so much and I know we will see each other again as in the same way we were destined to meet in this life. You are my soul mate and I know we will meet again and again as I am sure we do in every life. I love you with all my heart and soul. Love you forever darling ... your Raj x x x

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Aug 08, 2005
  I do not know you. It makes no difference. Rest in peace forever.


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY bubba998877 on Aug 04, 2005
  Cara Benedetta,

il destino ha giocato con la tua vita e quella di tanti altri innocenti. Penso al dolore che

accompagnerà per sempre le persone che ti sono state care e spero che il ricordo del tuo sorriso

possa rincuorarle.

Una preghiera.


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY ravindran1185 on Aug 03, 2005
  Ciao Betta, eccomi qui, dovevo venire a Londra con Rob, così saremmo stati insieme...dovevamo andare in ferie assieme in Sardegna ....e avevamo progettato di andare a new york..noi 4...

...ora tu forse ci sarai già stata...sarai passata di lì per descriverci nella nostra anima quanto avremmo dovuto vedere assieme....

Betta...hai lasciato un vuoto incolmabile dentro di noi, Roby era attaccata a te e io con lei...stalle vicino e proteggila, dacci la forza di continuare senza la tua presenza "fisica" so che ci sei...che ci vedi....e ci "chiami"......e come ti ho scritto nel biglietto che hai ora vicino a te "..un eterno abbraccio così come eterno resterà il tuo sorriso!!!" ...da tuo cognato Cristian !!

Per tutti: sono capitato in questo forum per "caso" cercando tutto ciò che riguardasse betta, e inutile dire che leggendo il vostro calore il vostro affetto le lacrime hanno percorso il mio viso, ringrazio tutti a nome mio e della famiglia di Betta , è importante sentire il calore della persone!


Con affetto Cristian (cognato di Benedetta)

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY ravindran1185 on Aug 03, 2005
  Hello Benny, is here, had to come to London with Rob, therefore would have been entirety! we had to go in ferie together in Sardinia and had planned to go to new york . perhaps hour you us already will have been, you will be last in that place in order to describe to we in our spirit how much you would have had to see together. Benny, you have make empty a large one within of we, Roby you were attacked you and I with she, you are close to she and protect she, gives the force to us to continue without your "physical" presence. but I know that are HERE, than you can see to us and "u call we". as I have written to you in the ticket that you have hour to you close: "an eternal one I embrace therefore as eternal it will be your smile!!!" always from your Cristian brother-in-law!! For all the persons: i'm have arrived in this forum trying all that that she regarded Benny, reading your heat your affection the tears have accidentally covered my ace, thank's to all to name mine and of the family of Benny, it is important to feel the heat of the persons! THANKS A LOT With Cristian affection (brother-in-law of Blessed)

sorry for not well english!!!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 29, 2005
  Benny, You will be greatly missed by your friends in London. I will always remember you for your thirst for life and abundance of energy, which were the drving forces in your life allowing you to accomplish so much.

In the short time you lived with me I will never forget your effortless smile, beauty and style and

your ability to live your life with so much openess and integrity that it endeared so many people to you.

Benny, may we all learn from you that embrassing life to the full was your code for living, may this also be your legacy.

Benny, keep smiling at us.

Love Tracy ( London housemate)


Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 28, 2005
  Benny you gave me the most beautiful 5 years as being your boyfriend. Everyday I have thought of you even before this horrible attack. The 3 years of the deep loving friendship after we broke up are treasured by me too. I can't describe the pain im in not being able to just say something as simple as hello to you and hear your laugh or speak your unique version of the English language! I used to love getting emails from you with spelling errors, they made me smile so much. Ive saved every email of yours and everyone I sent to you in the past 3 years. I will read them you forever...Your Raj

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 28, 2005
  Non ti conoscevo, ma mi sembra d'aver perso una cara amica. Per giorni ho sperato e pregato e ancora ora stento ad accettare la triste realta'. La tua vicenda mi ha molto coinvolto, sara' perche' siamo connazionali, perche' conosco molto bene il percorso che facevi in treno ogni mattina o perche' dovevi sposarti un giorno dopo di me. Penso di continuo alla tua famiglia che stava preparandosi a festeggiare un lieto evento, al senso di vuoto che debba provare il tuo fidanzato, e spero che tu non abbia sofferto.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 22, 2005
  rest in peace, bella, from all your old friends in gravesend, you will always have a place in our hearts

Prayers & Condolences For:
Benedetta Ciaccia
BY Anonymous on Jul 20, 2005
  Forever in our hearts!
36 Vigil Post For Benedetta Ciaccia (2 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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Main » London Terror Attack Victims » Missing

Are you aware LU (this Site) was a membership of 200k silenced by the US Government?

I was here in 2000s, my voice was taken


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Wall Of Prayers
Wall Of Prayers

David A Wilkey Jr

A good young man. My son's best friend.

Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia

It's been 20 years since your passing... However, I never forgotten the day you told me I am married, I am going to have a baby, and day your son was born... You touched some many lives in different ways in your brief time on this earth in ways others can't imagine... Some people can be given a life time on this earth and accomplish nothing, and there are some people who are given a short time and accomplish so much... You Mr. Flores-Mejia aka Ricky was that person and soldier who accomplish so much in your shoft tme... As I see the days pass by, and the war seems to be a distant memory, your memory is still alive in my life, and still on this and like other days with my grandchildren I sit back like we did many times and listen to those West Coast oldies... "Never Forgotten"

Frank E. Adamski III

To the family of Frank Adamski, including his wife and daughter, my sincere condolences. I plan to make sure he is never forgotten.

Benjamin Walker


Trevor B. Adkins

If I could go back in time I would begg you not to go I miss you so much the girls do to they talk about you all the time lots of love your sister

Adam D. Jones

Happy Birthday, Adam. You are missed so much every minute of everyday! XOXO ~143~ You will forever be in my heart and on my mind. Love always, Tammy

Laurie Cobb

She was my 3rd and 5th grade teacher. Today I'm 32 and still think about her. She was the best teacher ever. From her hair children stories to her bubbly happiness and kindness she spread. I'll never forget her. She was the teacher who had lunch with the kids in her classroom so everyone had someone to be with. She made my school experience amazing. I will never forget her.. I love you Mrs. Cobb. Sincerely, Forever in my thoughts, Alyssa (Viau) Capone

Larry E Polley Jr

SPC Polley died almost two decades ago so I don't know if this message will be seen. In honor of Memorial Day, my agency hands out cards with names of those who have fallen. This year, 2023, I received the card for SPC Polley and was inspired to look up more on him. I am thankful for his service and sacrifice. My condolences to his family. He is not forgotten.

Paul C. Holter III

Miss you brother

Alex D Gonzalez

Love you and miss you always. Since you been gone it has been hard for everyone. I know you loved what you did, and I want to thank you for our freedom. If I can have you back home and safe living your life man everything would be different. No matter how much money they would offer me I would rather have you alive and home. Money comes and go so it's not worth losing you.

Christopher D Young

hello my name is Jesus Vega I would like to give my condolences to Christopher's family and friends, I served with him in Iraq and slept in the same quarters. I have many fond memories of him. I have never forgotten his sacrifice. I would like to share that the greatest memory I had of Chris is that he would speak highly of his mom and how much she meant to him. Chris was a strong minded person and looked out for other. He was kind and friendly the he made friends with everyone. Chris was truly a great man! I sincerely apologize for not sharing sooner. but would like to express that Chris's memory will never be forgotten! though he is not with us he will always be in spirit! If this message gets to Christopher's mother I she could know she raised a great man and for that I thank you.

Jose E Ulloa

Ricky you are still in your family's hearts.

John Michael Roy Curwin

I'm doing a work assignment for school and think he should be included.

Derek L. Shanfield

Heartfelt Sympathy on the loss of your son - Semper Fi.

Marisol Heredia

Dear Marisol, You are Loved Forever...Jeff

John Charles Jenkins

In hope for your soul to be safe and in peace forever, God hold you in your wings! Amen

Todd Beamer

Your courage exceeds the unimaginable.

Steven Paul Chucknick

peace be with you

Geoffrey Perez

thank you for being in our lives, you i got to see you right before you left and i feel so blessed for tour ultimate sacrifice brother. Rest in paradise

Linda Jones

Praying for peace and serenity. God bless you as you travel this difficult path.

Kristopher J. Gould

Miss you everyday buddy. Look forward to seeing you again, one day.

Kristopher J. Gould

Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice, Kris. You are missed.

Deora Bodley

rest in peace

Wall Of Prayers

 For David A Wilkey Jr   For Jose Ricardo Flores-Mejia   For Frank E. Adamski III   For Benjamin Walker   For Trevor B. Adkins   For Adam D. Jones   For Laurie Cobb   For Larry E Polley Jr   For Paul C. Holter III   For Alex D Gonzalez   For Christopher D Young   For Jose E Ulloa   For John Michael Roy Curwin   For Derek L. Shanfield   For Marisol Heredia   For John Charles Jenkins   For Todd Beamer   For Steven Paul Chucknick   For Geoffrey Perez   For Linda Jones  
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