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45 Vigil Post For Vincent C Winston Jr (3 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Nov 07, 2008
  My Beloved Hero! I miss you so much Li'l Vincent. However, I thank God for the time we shared together! My memories of you are good ones. Your life here on earth was cut short to journey with the Lord, nevertheless I love you so much I'm heart broken knowing I talk to you, look forward to you coming home on leave anymore or ever cooking your favorite meal. Even now I'm crying the reality of losing you is so much to come to terms with in such A short time. I love U! Nanno!!!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Nov 07, 2008
  My Beloved Hero! I miss you so much Li'l Vincent. However, I thank God for the time we shared together! My memories of you are good ones. Your life here on earth was cut short to journey with the Lord, nevertheless I love you so much I'm heart broken knowing I talk to you, look forward to you coming home on leave anymore or ever cooking your favorite meal. Even now I'm crying the reality of losing you is so much to come to terms with in such A short time. I love U! Nanno!!!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Nov 02, 2008
  Vincent, I never had the pleasure of meeting you personally however, I did know your grandmother. Vincent your "Nanno" loved you so much. I remember how disapointed she wa that you did'nt come home for Christmas! You are without A her Hero! Last but not least, my name is Brandon friends call me "BigB". I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Rest in peace my fallen Hero!

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Oct 21, 2008
  your real family loves you ms little never had the chance to really know you she was locked down most of youf life you were abused by your bio family and its sad that they didnt know the way you were you will forever be a part of our family and life though all you overcame you were the son and brother and the greatest soilder ever you will always be in our hearts and on our minds our love for you will never die

kimberly tomason-sister

sherry tomason-mama

john tomason-brother

jacob tomason-brother you were my best friend my brother and i can never tell you how much i miss and love you you were with me all through high school i will remember all the times we partied and laughed and you will always be loved

gabriel winston-brother


Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Oct 20, 2008
  i miss you. you were the best big brother its to bad that we had to find out online gabriel really misses you so does mom i remember when she adopted you domique and gabriel i wantef you to know that you were bout to be a uncle but it came to late i never got to say goodbye i love you

love kimberly tomason

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Oct 20, 2008
  you know its sad that his real family say they give a ***** but who was there when he was going up we were he was a loving brother and son his liltle brother gabriel or any of us never got the chane to say goodbye we love you always

kimberly tomason-sister

john tomason-brother


jacobtom ason-brother

gabriel winston -brother

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 18, 2008
  never had the pleasure of meeting you in person ,never got to see your wonderful smile that so many speak of, all i know is , how special you must truly have been , special because you loved my daughter , special because she loved you . and extra special because our father called you home so soon , and though we grieve with hearts so broken and we fail to understand , we will trust in him, because his plan is perfect , and he must have had a need for an extra special soldier so he called on you, so untill we meet keep smiling down on us.

To vincents family and all his friends.

May gods grace and peace comfort and speak to your hearts. Kathy schoeneman . (Laura,s mom)

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 18, 2008
  i went to high school with vincent for a little while and he was always a nice guy. May he rest in peace.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 17, 2008
  LIL Vincent, Your sacrafice is the most highest of sacrafices that could ever be given. You shall always be remembered in my heart.Your LIFE AND DEATH has not been in VAIN, You have been honered by THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, You have taken your name and the WINSTON NAME to WASHINGTON D.C. TO LIVE ON AND EXSIST FOREVER,UPON THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH. YOUR UNCLE VAN.


Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 17, 2008

My heart cannot express the loss I feel at your passing. My eyes well with tears and my heart is heavy laden whenever I think of you. My you rest in the sweet peace of our Father above loving arms. Great Aunt Vanilla


Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 17, 2008
  Winny, It's me, your Lu, I love you so much, I'm so proud of you, your my hero. I speechless, You called me the day before it happened saying you had so much to say & said you'd call me on the 5th & now I'll never know..At least I heard you tell me you loved me one last time. You we're the best thing that has ever happenend to me, you made me the happiest person in the world & continue too. My boyfriend, my life, my hero, Rest in Peace babe, I love you mostest, Forever & Ever...Laura

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY mandapizda on Sep 16, 2008
  I just visited your son's grave on Sunday, we stopped by and prayed for this hero while we were visiting our own. It probably does not matter to you now, but I know what you are going through. My son is buried next to yours. God Bless you and your family. May this soldier rest in peace. We visit every Sunday and place flags on the graves of our hero's. We will continue to visit your son too, and pray with him each week when we visit our son.

The Vinson family, parents of Sgt. Matthew F. C. Straughter 2/1/80-1/31/08 KIA Iraq.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 14, 2008
  In your time of sorrow May God Keep You Angie, Vincent, Queen and your Entire Family in PERFECT PEACE!! Lisa Hearn

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 14, 2008
  i pray for you my brother in arms. we couldnt be separated. the rest of us are doin fine recovering from the same horrible thing that took you away from us. and i wake up everyday praying for you. i miss you brother. do u remember the last thing i had said to u minutes before we had been hit? i had said to u, "i love u bubby". u had responded back with the same thing. i am at peace knowing the fact that i had told u this. u will always be in my prayers, and i will see you again. peace be with u

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 13, 2008
  I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Vincent Winston. I met him in high school when we were both on the wrestling team. He was a terrific wrestler and a great human being. The news of his sacrifice leaves me choked, yet proud to have known this man for even a short time. My heart and condolences goes out to his family and loved ones. - Danny Grubbs

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 13, 2008
  It is with deep regret and sorrow that we mourn the loss of Vincent. We are family and when of hurt, we all hurt. Sadly, this is one of those times.

Marion and Gladys Tyson

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 13, 2008
  Vincent Winston and myself were high school, brothers! Went though AJROTC together, wrestled, and he always was he person to help you whenever he could. Always havin ya back! I'm deeply sadened by the loss of someone of such great character. Whats makes him even better, he decided to defend this great country and paid the Ultimate price. May you rest in peace brother!

With DEEP Respect,

Stephen A. Chenault

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 13, 2008
  whoa..I'm speechless. I can't believe you have left us bro. It seems like yesterday when we were in 8th grade together, and now you're in a different world. I know you'll be happy in heaven, and your actions will forever be remembered by the American people.

-Your AZN Brother

Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY Anonymous on Sep 12, 2008
  i miss you so much already and I will do everything in my power to make sure this doesnt happen to anymore of us brother...Please watch over us here and keep us safe...Comanches are the same with out you...Spc Forsyth

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Vincent C Winston Jr
BY SeangeAgecy on Sep 12, 2008
  Vincent and I were best friends in high school in Memphis. We were both in AJROTC for a few years. He was always the kinda guy to stand up for someone else. The kinda guy that would watch your back. The kinda guy that wouldn't quit. I lost contact with him when he moved in 10th grade, however, it doesn't surprise me that we ended up in the same profession. I’m extremely sorry to his real family, who I never had the chance to meet, and for the loss of a fraternal brother in life and profession. The world will be a little less bright, but his brothers will drive on. God bless

Cadet Brewer

45 Vigil Post For Vincent C Winston Jr (3 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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