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135 Vigil Post For Jill Carroll (7 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on Jul 16, 2006
  May God Bless U all...

Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on May 19, 2006
  I love yoou


Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on May 15, 2006
  slut moi aussi j aime trava avec toi la bas

Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on May 14, 2006
  i hope peace for all


Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on May 10, 2006
  hi lovely dear

i likehelp u seeu soon


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY davis88 on Mar 30, 2006
  Oh My darlying Jill

I don’t understand why I have not heard of your release. With so many prayers I know are with you and your family. With so many prayers I have prayed for you and your captors. Jill I pray that your strength in our Lord fills your body and soul. I pray that your captors are hearing the voices of God through all of these prayers. I pray that they hear His voice through their community, family, friends and with in themselves to the point that it hunts them. To the point that they feel the urgencies to open the doors of the place you are being kept hidden, hidden only from us but not from our Lord. Jill may your heart be still filled with Joy I pray. I have only biter tears in my prayers for you. I so do want to see you free. I so do want to see your smile and hugging your family. I don’t even know you but my heart feels only Love. I wish that the Love I feel is changing the hearts of your captors. Oh My Lord touch them.

May your parents, sister and extend family have peace in their hearts; the peace that only one can understand, which is given by God. The peace that only comes thru our faith in You. My Lord may her words be full of Your Love as Jill communicate with these people. May it for ever change them. Lord God Free her. Bring her back home.


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY DONNYDO on Mar 30, 2006
  Dear Lord,

Thank you for hearing our prayers.

Please continue to shed Your Guiding Light on Jill and her family.

Welcome back Jill!

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY davis88 on Mar 30, 2006
  On my way to work this morning I heard the GOOD NEWS!! PRAISE GOD!!! You were released. What a Blessing to all.



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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY DONNYDO on Mar 25, 2006
  Thinking of you and praying for your safety, Jill

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY rjones on Mar 23, 2006
  The milestone of 75 days of captivity has been passed, lest hope that you are not held captive for much longer and your released back to your family and friends unharmed soon.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY simplehung63 on Mar 23, 2006
  I wish you peace, Jill...however the Creator makes it so. I am so fearful you are gone and so fearful you are not and in a desperate situation. But there is still hope in me that you have found common ground with your captors and have made a kind of alliance to bring their message to the a way that the public might hear. Such monstrous aggressors can only be acting out of the worst kind of hopelessness and desperateness.

I wait for word with that what will be will be and it's the best that can be.

HUGS (Damn...that's so inadequate but it's all I can do),


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY 911remember on Mar 18, 2006
  I hope you find your way home again, back to the bosom of your family in peace.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on Mar 11, 2006
  I wish you freedom and peace.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY DONNYDO on Mar 10, 2006
  My thoughts and prayers are with you still.

Stay strong, may God bless you and keep you safe.


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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY rjones on Mar 04, 2006
  I pray that Jill will not be forgotten and that the effort to obtain her release from captivity will continue, hopefully soon she will be freed unharmed.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY davis88 on Mar 03, 2006
  Jim, Mary Beth and Katie Carroll My prayers are with your family. May God watch over Jill and keep her save. May her faith touch those people holding her. I pray for Jill to come home safely.


Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on Feb 27, 2006
  Good thoughts and prayers for a courageous woman.

Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on Feb 24, 2006
  I am thinking of you.

You are in our prayers daily.

-Susan, Indianapolis

Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY Anonymous on Feb 19, 2006
  I pray for a miracle everyday that Jill’s life will be spared. Dear God let her return home to her family unharmed, I know you hear our prayer to protect her. Your will is also done and all who love you know that you are a loving God. Please protect her Lord.

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Prayers & Condolences For:
Jill Carroll
BY rob123hot on Feb 18, 2006
  May God be with you Jill Carroll and bring you home safely.
135 Vigil Post For Jill Carroll (7 Pages, 20 Per Page)
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